Indian Micro Fertilizers Manufacturers Association (IMMA)


Indian Micro Fertilizers Manufacturers Association (IMMA) Objectives

1. To bring all round improvement, friendship and unity amongst the manufacturers of micronutrients.
2. To make efforts for the welfare of related institutions, farmers, dealers etc. and to unite them to safeguard the interest of common nature so as to bring all round prosperity.
3. To improve technical knowledge of the members.
4. To arrange through the Association, for a healthy dialogue between various institutions as and when necessary.
5. To arrange aid and services for those connected with agriculture and are victims of natural or accidental calamities.
6. To hold agricultural seminars, Exhibitions, Demonstrations, etc.
7. To educate, guide and advice on various Acts like Fertiliser Control Order, Packing Act, Essential Commodity Act, etc.
8. To bring about the understanding between Government manufacturers and consumers for the progress of all.
9. To create consciousness amongst the public and to disseminate and help in dissemination of latest techniques.
10. To frame policy for the members of the Association, regarding their welfare.
11. To keep the dealers informed from time to time about Acts, Rules, Policies, Experiments, Research, Plans, etc. about their trade.
12. To help to solve the disputes, differences of opinion etc. between the Members of Association.
13. To undertake any other activity necessary in the interest of the Association, as may be deemed.

Micronutrients Manufacturers

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IMMA is a registered association under The Bombay Public Trust Act,1950  having administrative office at Pune, Maharashtra. IMMA works for the welfare of manufacturers engaged in manufacture of micro nutrients. IMMA has a PAN India presence and is carrying out this activity for more than 35 years .

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